If you have ever setup a WordPress site that allows comments or registration, you know what comes next, spam. It’s the bane of every web site owner’s existence but still necessary to deal with. What’s the best way to address the thorny issue of spam. In our opinion one of the strong and most effective solutions to spam problems is Anti-Spam by Clean Talk.
After downloading from the WordPress plugin repository Anti-Spam by Clean Talk is easy to setup. Some spam plugins have myriad options to configure and setup making them difficult to use effectively due to a sleep learning curve. Anti-spam by Clean Talk doesn’t overwhelm with options setup is simple. A few clicks to choose what forms should be protected and the service is activated What could be easier? Clean Talk’s Anti- Spam operates invisibly in the background. We wouldn’t even know it was there except for the activity counts and logs which show the number of spam mails blocked and show those emails to allow white-listing in the case of a false positive.
It’s affordable for any kind of site so we recommend to all our clients and use it ourselves. The basic Anti-Spam subscription service that brings functionality to the plugin costs only $8 a year. There are discounts for subscribing for. Multiple years. Tweet usage or share your use of Anti Spam by Clean Talk and you can get additional months added to your subscription for free. That a real deal compared to other premium anti-spam services. For that affordable costs Anti-Spam by Clean Talk protects not just comments forms, but registration, contact and orders forms. That’s real value.
Most importantly it’s effective. Dramatically so in fact. We could go into all the details about the way the plugin/service tracks and collects notorious spam emails and uses their extensive database to filter those emails before they even get access to your web site comment or email system. But who wants to get into all that nitty gritty. Not our clients so let just say IT WORKS! Before Anti- Spam by Clean Talk we spent a lot of time combing through built in WordPress moderation tools on client web site cleaning up spam. After installing Anti – spam by Clean Talk that all but disappears. We like that and our clients do as well. The plugin supports forms from Formidable, Contact form 7, JetPack Contact, Fast Secure Contac, Ninja forms, Landing pages, Gravity forms, Contact Form by BestWebSoft, Simple Contact Form Plugin – PirateForms, Visual Form Builder, Form, Contact Form by WebDorado, Contact Form Email, MW WP Form, Contact Form by Jeff Bulllins, Easy Contact, Contact Us Form, Grunion Contact Form, WCP Contact Form, Easy WordPress Contact Form Plugin, WPForms Lite, Custom Contact, Forms, Amo Forms, Caldera Forms, Visual Form Builder, Contact Form Clean and Simple, Divi by Elegant Themes and many more.
Sure, there are free anti spam plugins and captcha plugins that can be used to slow the spam bots from flooding your web site. But this plugin and the service it provides is exceptional and highly recommended. We rated Five of five stars in the plugin respository for high quality, high effectiveness and high value.